How do you create an online allegiance of women+ in the advertising industry who can lift each other up via social?

Flock is a community of women+ from the University of Oregon’s journalism program who aim to lift and educate students & alums. As the co-director of communications, I am in charge of our social presence as well as creating communication programs for events, initiatives, blog posts, and membership growth.

Frame up Flock as the cool older sister for University of Oregon ad program students who want some extra guidance.

Work. Get Paid. Shine. : We create all content for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook through the lens of transparency, awareness, and confidence to inspire the growth of women in advertising. We currently have over 300 members all over the country and are increasing in size every day.


My co-director Colleen Cass and I created a social brand guide for Flock to establish our goals, tone of voice and executions for 2019. We create content that is culturally meaningful (whether it be through memes or voting reminders), as well as career advice, and relevant events.

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